Bennett Opposes Bill that would Add Quarter Trillion Dollars to Nation's Debt

Press Release

Date: Oct. 21, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Says lawmakers must find a way to pay for Medicare Reimbursement bill

Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah), today made the following statement after voting against a $247 billion bill to correct physician reimbursement rates under Medicare:

"As the first vote on health care reform, Democratic leadership proposed a bill that would have added $247 billion to the national debt over 10 years with another $136 billion just in interest alone. I am pleased this careless legislation was defeated and I hope the Senate sent a clear message to the administration and Democratic leadership that it will not continue to cut checks without money in the bank.

"We need to fix the Medicare reimbursement rates so that doctors are being properly reimbursed and seniors are able to receive the care they need, but we must make sure we have a way to pay for the fix. We can no longer overdraft our nation's checkbook and pass the problems along to our children and grandchildren. I will continue to oppose the Medicare Reimbursement bill before the Senate until we find a way to reimburse the doctors without adding to our debt."

In past years, Senator Bennett has supported legislation to correct physician reimbursement rates under Medicare because a plan was included to pay for the fix. The bill voted on today does not have such a plan and therefore will add to the deficit.
